February 12, 2024

Proud to have helped out the hardworking volunteers at Shaftesbury Snowdrops with this map of where to spot the best drifts of them. Lots of events in the town running from 10 February

February 08, 2024

Well, here we are, Copernicus shows the world’s climate is 1.5ºC hotter than pre-industrial levels over a 12-month period for the first time, breaching the target set at the 2015 Paris Agreement.

In 2007 while working in @sundaytimesgraphics at The Sunday Times @thetimes I produced this diagram for @thestmagazine all about the climate emergency we were creating. It was to accompany an extract of the amazing book by @mark_lynas explaining what will happen to the planet as we warm it up degree by degree. It was sobering stuff to read and a tricky graphic to do to encapsulate it all. This diagram was one of a long line of environmental stories and graphics the newspaper published over the past thirty five years warning about the damage we were doing.

Working in The Sunday Times newsroom gave me the massive privilege of seeing reports and research into how we were overheating the environment which spurred me on to try and incorporate some of that information into my work as a painter today. 

Now we are, sadly, where we are: experiencing record breaking temperatures and rapidly shrinking icecaps worldwide. These incredible events are still being reported in some sort of "Wow! What a summer we're having" way. If only my old employers would lead a siren call for instant action to tackle the emergency we're in. I'm sad to say that I feel it is already too late. 

Here is Professor Kevin Anderson telling it to us straight:

January 30, 2024

Here's an early look at all the lovely artwork that will be on show at The Mall Galleries in the Society of Graphic Fine Art Annual exhibition that runs from 11 to 16 March

January 25, 2024

Some new work beautifully framed by @pictureframes.uk
Well, we all need boundaries don't we……

December 28, 2023

Me, mumbling about trees, Multiplying Eye cider, snowdrops and temperate rainforests: https://thisisalfred.com/podcast/the-alfred-daily-28th-december-2023/

Many thanks, as always, to Keri at This is Alfred, our amazing local, volunteer-run radio station

December 06, 2023

Proud to say that I am now be a full member of The Arborealists

December 06, 2023

Badly timed our driving into Windermere when a foot of snow fell. No choice but to leave the car and walk. Had to just let it go……Came back the next day to find it. Somewhere

November 25, 2023

Lovely to have work included in The Art Stable Christmas show. Open until 22 December

November 25, 2023

Freshly framed trees on show now at Adrian Hill Fine Art in Holt, Norfolk

November 19, 2023

Many thanks to the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours for featuring The Arborealist exhibition at Ace Arts Gallery in Somerton. Open until 23 December