September 10, 2022

A bad painting of an incredible hotel: Passalacqua

September 09, 2022

****Saturday 10th plein air painting with @royal_institute_watercolours postponed****

“We apologise for cancelling at such short notice and for any inconvenience this will cause but are sure you will understand the reason for this decision”

September 07, 2022

Many thanks to visitors and voters at the @brutonart exhibition who elected 'Misty Ash' for the Popular Choice Award. Thanks to @dovecotegallerybruton for their sponsorship……With that amount of votes I think I'm entitled to run the country now aren't I?……

August 23, 2022

Many thanks to Bruton Art Society for the lovely award at their annual exhibition

August 20, 2022

A short film of me hiding in the woods……with some paints

August 20, 2022

Many thanks to the RI for featuring my paintings highlighting our fossil fuel nightmare. Read the post here

“My watercolours aim to highlight how oil companies are knowingly ruining the climate. The paintings show oilmen in suits setting fire to our forests. If these companies were committing arson there would be uproar and strenuous efforts made to stop them. But they are doing it more indirectly and subtly so that we hardly notice that it’s happening. But it really is. Our woodlands are burning up and so are we. The shocking thing about the oil industry’s actions is that it has known for years what the outcome of burning fossil fuels would be on the planet. Sadly, profits trump that knowledge.”

July 29, 2022

This beauty is a twenty second walk to Trevone beach. Have a look here

July 28, 2022

Waiting for the water to come in at Wells-next-the-sea

July 25, 2022

Some of these coffee shop sketches are available at the top of Gold Hill in the lovely Folde shop

July 22, 2022

How? Just, how does she make this? Beautiful glass bowl by Emsie Sharp