June 23, 2021

Honoured to be the featured artist in the Bruton Art Society Newsletter. Many thanks to Dorrie Peat and John Baxter for letting me talk about myself, trees and paint…here

June 21, 2021

Looking forward to exhibiting at The Mall Galleries, London as part of the SGFA Centenary Exhibition Unlocked. The show runs from July 6-11, free tickets are available from Mall Galleries and all the included works can be seen here

June 18, 2021

The final part of the process. It's always satisfying when you gather together a collection of works and see them framed. The paintings look quite different in their lovely Mount Art frames and it's interesting to see how, over the course of months, the paintings evolve.

June 13, 2021

Some sketches from my wanderings around town. They are an excuse to sit with a coffee and stare at people, buildings, my feet; anything really. I try and draw or paint every day and these are some of the results. A few of my sketchbook pages are now available from Folde Dorset which is a lovely shop recently opened at the top of Gold Hill in Shaftesbury. They have a brilliant selection of nature writing books too. Well worth a visit

June 11, 2021

A little film of me colouring in 'Morning in the lane'. Do not adjust your set, there's just not much colour……

June 09, 2021

Started off sunny, ended up in the rain. A scribble of Mompesson House in Salisbury after I'd had my second jab

June 05, 2021

Some plein air painting action from last week. It was a lovely hot day, painting in French Mill Lane near my house, made much easier for being in the shade of the trees

June 01, 2021

Another sketch from the Farmyard at The Newt in Somerset

May 30, 2021

Lucky to have stayed at the Farmyard at The Newt in Somerset……Wow

Here's a scribble from wandering in the grounds

May 27, 2021

The Bradley Hare in Maiden Bradley has just opened. Go if you can. It's a beauty