March 19, 2021

Very happy that 'Puddles in the lane' has made it onto the longlist for Jackson's Painting Prize. There are 400 selected works from 8674 entries

March 04, 2021

An actual exhibition open now!

Really pleased to be included in The Arborealists exhibition in Gibraltar at the Gustavo Bacarisas Gallery. Have a wander round here

March 01, 2021

Really pleased to have work included in the SGFA Drawing Together online exhibition

March 01, 2021

Very pleased to have work included in a brilliant new website highlighting art and the environment

February 18, 2021

After standing ungrazed for over ten years the field on the left was recently rented out. The new farmer obviously loves kit and having a tidy up. The youngish (perhaps 80 years old) tangled oak in the foreground had a main limb hacked off as the new tenant wanted to be able to drive his digger beneath it. All the hedges and trees that had become lovely straggly wildlife havens could have been left or layed but were instead chainsawed back to a 'neat' box shape.

To allow stock to graze there, the whole area was cleared leaving a series of pyramids of hedge cuttings and tree branches that were eventually lit making massive bonfires that took days to burn down. The field and its funeral pyres of smouldering brush looked like the Dorset equivalent of rainforest clearance. After all this carnage and grubbing up of who-knows-what was establishing itself, the tenant has left this patch and moved to a field a little way down the valley. I know farming is tough and I'm sure he's doing his best while probably getting a small living from livestock, but this just isn’t right. I bet he'll be warming up his digger and chainsaw for another tidy up.

Ironically the hedgerows and trees he takes down all form part of the bucolic backdrop of the view from Gold Hill in nearby Shaftesbury, one of the most famous scenes in the country. Leaving aside all the environmental damage he's done, it amazes me that one man is allowed to change thousands of people's aspect with his out-of-date farming ideas.

February 04, 2021

Working at the coalface. Finishing touches on a new ink, watercolour and charcoal painting on prepared canvas

January 23, 2021

This little selection is on show at the lovely Sea Pictures Gallery in Clare, Suffolk. All are available online here

January 18, 2021

Very proud to offer a distraction to anyone within five miles of Petworth while on their regulation daily walk. My work is in the window of the lovely @kevishousegallery If you're out of range I am also the featured artist on their gallery website

*© Play School 1970

January 15, 2021
January 11, 2021

The Arborealists Being with Trees exhibition at Bermondsey Project Space is sadly on hold for the moment. Until we're all released, lots of the lovely work can been seen here