May 23, 2023

The latest Bulletin newsletter from The Society of Graphic Fine Art

Who would have thought drenching hedgeless fields of monoculture with chemicals would have this result eh?

May 08, 2023

Beech trees and bluebells for a Shaftesbury Arts Centre postcard fundraiser. Happily all the artworks were sold, raising £1700 for a great gallery

May 03, 2023

A quick water-sketch of the lovely Heckfield Place

April 22, 2023

We enjoyed the atmosphere and heartfelt speeches outside 55 Tufton Street, home to climate science denial lobby groups at The Big One, fours days of peaceful protest about the lack of action to tackle the climate emergency. Talking of atmosphere, it’s sad to know that CO2 levels are now around 424ppm compared to 319 at the start of my life. The record figures, out this week (and the protests, attended by hundreds of thousands) were hardly reported because the news editors were too busy raging about a snooker match being disrupted. 

April 22, 2023

Not using watercolours this time though……

April 16, 2023

Had a lovely morning out painting in the lane just above the mill. Here is the finished piece

April 09, 2023

A little selection of my Antartica paintings that were on show at the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours exhibition. The three larger pieces are still available on the Mall Galleries website here

April 05, 2023

Come and see me get a bad back at The Mall Galleries on this coming Saturday the 8th April. I'll also be doing a watercolour demonstration as part of the final day of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours annual exhibition. See all the works online here

April 05, 2023

I am proud that 'Antartica: cold but warm' has been awarded The Frank Herring Easel Prize at the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours 211th Exhibition for an outstanding work