April 05, 2022

I will be splashing watercolour and ink around in the Mall Galleries, London on Saturday 16 April as a demonstration at the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours annual exhibition. I'll be daubing between 11am-4pm

April 04, 2022

Really pleased to be on show in the window at Adrian Hill Fine Art in Holt, Norfolk

April 04, 2022

Proud to be part of The Arborealist exhibition Trees and the sacred opening in Norwich Cathedral from Apr 28 - May 28. A lovely catalogue can be seen here

April 01, 2022

Forest bathing in comfort. A sketch of the incredible Tree Houses at Chewton Glen

March 30, 2022

Massive thanks to Broadleaf Magazine and @WoodlandTrust for featuring the hacking of the 700-year-old Wardour Oak

March 26, 2022

I'm proud to say I am now represented by Adrian Hill Fine Art at Holt, Norfolk and Stamford, Linconshire. Have a look on their website if you don't believe me. I'm two doors down from Edward Seago. David Hockney is above me and I'm rubbing shoulders with LS Lowry……Gulp.

March 24, 2022

Proud to have six pieces on show at the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours show at the Mall Galleries from 14 -23 April. My first time exhibiting there as an elected member. All 450 works on show can be seen here

March 16, 2022

I just don't understand. Off the UK our seas provide predictable tides that are some of the strongest in the world. All that free energy just speeding past twice a day. Why are we not racing to use it? Where is the government investment? The arguments against tidal has always been that the technology is tough to harness. But we have to. 

As if the climate emergency wasn't a good enough reason, we now have Russia holding us in a fossil fuel arm lock that is hard to break. We are finally recognising Putin as a despotic war criminal that we no longer want to do business with. So how do we tackle the energy shortfall by stopping our dependance on Russian gas? Scuttling off to Saudi Arabia to see if that regime will give us more of the carbon we should be avoiding doesn't seem right.

We are on a climate war footing and we should be acting like it. We can solve this stuff if we have to, we've done it before. The massive infrastructure needed for the incredible D-Day landings took just over a year to build and the same urgency is needed now. Working tidal turbines, shown here in this short film, prove the technology works. Each turbine can provide enough free energy for 1,700 homes, so we need to build lots of them quickly. Instead of thinking that the lunacy of fracking or buying more Saudi oil is a way out for us, investing money and expertise into harnessing the free energy that flows around our shores and cutting our emissions at the same time is a no-brainer.

Read more about the tidal potential off the Isle of Wight here and here

March 15, 2022

Proud to be part of the new exhibition opening at the John Davies Gallery opening on March 19

March 10, 2022

Lovely walk through Leonardslee Gardens in Sussex. Followed by an incredible meal. Give it go if you get the chance