Behind the mask I'm grinning like an idiot at seeing my four paintings on show at the 209th Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours exhibition at The Mall Galleries, London. The show runs until May 29

PS The paintings aren't hung 10ft up the wall, I'm crouching. Thanks to Flic Flutter for the picture

May 13, 2021

A little film of me doing some colouring in……without much colour

May 11, 2021

If you get the chance have a look at Tamlyn Blasdale-Holmes' wallpaper site. Tamlyn is a fellow SGFA Drawing Society member and yes, he can really draw. Now he's working big too

May 11, 2021

All of the selected work (including my, gulp, four) for the 209th Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours exhibition at the Mall Galleries is available online here. The actual show runs from May 20-29. Tickets are bookable here or contact me for a Private View invitation

April 27, 2021

Sea Pictures Gallery in Clare, Suffolk is open again and I'm pleased to say these watercolours are on show or online here

April 15, 2021

Well. Not quite. About half of the 'Lockdown lane walks' series I've been concentrating on lately

April 15, 2021

Here are the results of lockdown shopping visits to Shaftesbury. As a break from the studio, I'd sit with my takeaway coffee and scribble what was around me. Some of these sketches are now available from the lovely new Folde shop at the top of Gold Hill in Shaftesbury

April 05, 2021

Scribbles from a visit to Shaftesbury. Bits of Gold Hill, the bread queue and my boot

March 30, 2021

Massive thanks to for letting me ramble on about my Lockdown lane walks series of paintings

It’s been a tough year for us all. Perhaps that’s what makes good news seem even sweeter if it arrives. I’m lucky to have four watercolours selected by @royal_institute_watercolours for their Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours 209th Exhibition @mallgalleries I am really grateful and invigorated by the nod from the society’s members.