September 29, 2020

If you get the chance have a look at the King's Arms in Dorchester. A beautifully restored hotel that Thomas Hardy ate and wrote in. The Rolling Stones stayed there too. Probably not the same weekend

September 24, 2020

I hope you're enjoying this website experience. Massive thanks to the amazing team at Glide Publishing Platform who built this site. Not only are they brilliant at their jobs, they are lovely people too. They glided through every pointless tweak and rethink I had without even a ripple. Hopefully you'll agree, on the surface it's very smooth, but underneath I know there's a hell of a lot going on.

September 22, 2020

Got a little giddy at seeing my two paintings on show at the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colour exhibition at the Mall Galleries. Um, can you spot which are mine?……

Many thanks to for the interview here about painting in lockdown. Keri Jones is doing an incredible job creating a half hour podcast each day for all the latest news in our area.

Have a walk in the woods…The Arborealist's Being with Trees exhibition at Bermondsey Project Space can be seen here

March 28, 2020

A little glimpse of my new studio. Built just in time……

Proud that these two were selected for the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colour exhibiton at Mall Galleries. All the work can be seen here

March 16, 2020

Looking forward to exhibiting at Bermondsey Project Space with The Arborealists from 24 March

Lucy, Richard and I apeing Mrs and Mrs Clark and Percy at the lovely opening of their Root & Branch exhibition at Kevis House Gallery

February 25, 2020

Off to Kevis House Gallery in Petworth with some S, M and L paintings for the upcoming Root & Branch exhibition 5 Mar to 30 Apr